Archives For Art


Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have experienced a great run with their director pal Edgar Wright. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are intertwined into our movie conscious and there’s no getting them out. This is quite surprising given that the plot to either one of these films could also double as the synopsis to a low-budget movie on Redbox. Both features are pretty much ridiculousness. High end ridiculousness I might add. The World’s End, the last installment in the Cornetto trilogy, is no different. Continue Reading…

Mud Shows Us What’s Clean

Wade —  August 12, 2013 —  Comments

Mud 2

I don’t know if I can trust Matthew McConaughey. He’ll star in a movie like Amistad and I’m ready to join the fan club. Then Failure to Launch will come along and I’m on the verge of throwing him overboard. When I heard rave reviews about his performance in Mud, I quietly wondered if this would be the film that finally gets the romantic comedy virus out of his system. In the end, it just might. Continue Reading…