Archives For Man of Steel


“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” – Andy Stanley


Superhero movies and mass destruction are dancing partners that no one can seem to breakup. Man of Steel, The Avengers, and X-Men: First Class are all films that cling tightly to the idea of worldwide dissolution. For a hero to be super, they must have something super to save, right? But what if that something is just a someone? A single life. A life that the world, safe and sound, doesn’t even care to notice. Is that enough to break up the waltz? I think it might be, because Wolverine just asked if he could cut in. Continue Reading…

Man of Steel

I don’t know if it’s because I’m about to be a father or what, but there’s one scene from Man of Steel that gets me every time.

Young Clark Kent is standing in a rickety Kansas barn speaking with the man he just found out is not his biological father.

Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner): You’re the answer, son. You’re the answer to “are we alone in the universe.”

Clark Kent: Can’t I just… keep pretending I’m your son?

Jonathan Kent: You ARE my son.

(embrace) Continue Reading…