Archives For Comedy


There’s been a resurgence simmering in our world. A call echoing throughout society to males everywhere. This cry comes in the form of a challenge: Single men must learn to stand up and start acting like future husbands. Our modern period, unlike any other, has seen an increase in prolonged male adolescence. Instead of stepping up to the plate and learning what it means to be a mature husband, countless men spend Continue Reading…

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I don’t think comedians get the credit they deserve. I’ve done some stand-up sets over the last few years, and it’s not easy. Performing comedy can be the best feeling in the world and also the worst feeling in the world. It’s just you, a microphone (hopefully), and a group of people who are waiting for someone to make them laugh. Honestly, I think that comedians are some of the greatest public speakers out there.

That’s why, years ago, I started observing stand-up performances to see what they could teach me about communication. Continue Reading…