Archives For Faith


A few Easters ago, I lectured on the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. At the end of my talk, a woman chastised me in front of the group. “It doesn’t matter what theologians, scholars, or logic says. All that matters is the Bible.” Work that statement out as you may, but I think the main thrust of it was, “You just have to believe.” Continue Reading…


In Fury’s opening scene, Brad Pitt stabs a German officer in the eye. This act of brutality makes two important statements about David Ayer’s new film. First, Fury isn’t for the squeamish—those uncomfortable with such displays of brutality should probably sit this one out. Second, Fury won’t be a glossy, glorified homage to the “greatest generation”…READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE.


I remember when I first questioned God’s existence. I was a teenager with more acne spots than combined conversations with girls. I probably shouldn’t have doubted God; I practically took my first breath in church. My family attended worship services multiple times a week and I knew the Bible from the front cover to the maps. I was even born by way of water birth in the congregational baptismal (that may not be true).

But I doubted anyway. Continue Reading…


The X-Men film franchise begins at a rain-soaked Nazi concentration camp during World War II. In the midst of a large crowd walks a young Jewish boy. His dark coat bears the Star of David, the badge’s yellow color contrasting against the dreary hues of the compound. As the boy is torn from his parents, he mysteriously emits a powerful magnetic force, bending the camp gate. The chaotic moment reaches a breaking point when the child, later known as Magneto, is knocked unconscious.

This introductory scene—expanded in X-Men: First Class—encapsulates the thematic mood of the entire franchise. At its core, the X-Men cinematic universe is more than a slab of blockbuster meat to a slew of hungry consumers. It’s a probing commentary on social subjugation, equality, and discrimination…READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE.


Amanda Bynes in Easy A – Sony Pictures

Christians make great punchlines. Check out Easy A, Scandal, or The Big Bang Theory. If that’s not enough to convince you: Tim Tebow.

Followers of Jesus are not always portrayed with the whitest of lights. We’re judgmental, hypocritical, and anti-science. Did I mention we’re jerks too?

As much as Christians are inclined to believe we’re the first generation to become pop culture’s punching bag, we’re not. Criticism, taking the form of humor, is as old as the faith itself. Continue Reading…


If I were to make a list of what I thought were the top ten barriers keeping the unchurched from considering Christianity, politics would be a frontrunner. I know what you’re thinking. “Yeah! Politics is the problem! At dawn we ride on the capitol!” Maybe I should clarify.

I would contend that certain political views and the expression of those views by Christians, have discouraged outsiders from investigating the faith. At one time or another, many Christians—including myself—have turned political ideology into the Great Wall of China. We stand at the top making individuals scale the bricks before they can ever hope to be converted. Continue Reading…

You Might Be Reading Proverbs Wrong

Wade —  October 2, 2013 —  Comments


Have you found the key to becoming wealthy? I heard it from a preacher not too long ago. He quoted Proverbs 11:24:

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want (ESV).

If you genuinely desire to be rich, you have to give. Oversized houses, tricked-out cars, a pool filled with pudding. Those can all be yours for one easy donation of $19.99.

And a few swipes of your MasterCard. Click here to read more…

Sherlock - Series 2

Over the years, my wife has tried really hard to make me cool. Clothes. Hair styles. Gift cards to the Gap. It’s not that she doesn’t think I’m cool now, it’s just that I can be lazy when it comes to the latest fashion trends. After all is said and done though, I am and always will be a nerd. I don’t even care anymore. I’m married and have a child on the way, all that’s left to do now is build a replica of the Millennium Falcon in my garage.

Nerd heaven descended on the Bearden household recently with the release of Star Trek Into Darkness. Continue Reading…


Star Trek Into Darkness—a film Star Wars fans have been looking forward to for a long time. J.J. Abrams’ sequel to the critical and financial hit Star Trek, has been generating more anticipation from pseudo-Jedi Warriors than Trekkies these days. This doesn’t come as a surprise… Click to read full article