Archives For memory

Wade’s Wisdom: Sleep Tweets

Wade —  August 7, 2013 —  Comments


I don’t have the best memory, so I’ve trained myself to immediately make a note of anything funny or creative that I come up with over the course of the day. If I don’t, then it will be gone forever. Periodically at night, I’ll wake up with a joke that I believe is tweet worthy. I’ll grab my phone and quickly type it in before falling back to sleep. The funny thing is, I usually don’t remember what I’ve typed. There are instances when I’m scrolling through the notes on my phone and see something that I didn’t even realize came from me. Some of these jokes are completely ridiculous and I never know what I’m going to find. I’m just glad I don’t think enough to tweet them.

Not too long ago, I started saving these unused tweets because I got a kick out of what some of them said. Here are 11 of my greatest “sleep tweets.” I didn’t make any of these up. I mean I did, but while I was sleeping. Continue Reading…