Archives For Zack Snyder


Recently, there’s been a good deal of talk surrounding the new Batman vs. Superman movie. Much of this chatter has to do with the casting of Ben Affleck as the Bat. People are legitimately worried that we won’t be able to get the job done. I on the other hand, am worried for a different reason. I’ve never particularly been a fan of Batman vs. Superman director, Zach Snyder. I wasn’t too impressed by Man of Steel and I’m scared his new crossover will be a dud. Saying this, I thought of a fun way to express my misgivings via a short story involving characters from across the Batman film franchises. It’s random, pretty ridiculous, funny, and somewhat along the lines of A Christmas Carol. If you’re a fan of the Batman movies, this is for you. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends and single-handedly make me a millionaire. Just don’t let Zack Snyder read it, he might be ticked! Continue Reading…