Archives For Blog


Wow, my blog is officially a year old. I can’t believe how fast the last twelve months have flown by. In no time, it’ll be headed off to college, getting a job, and hopefully giving me a grandblog. But we’re in no rush! Let’s get him married first! LOL

I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed blogging this past year and I thought I’d share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Here’s 11: Continue Reading…

Why I Stop Praying

Wade —  March 7, 2014 —  Comments


Sometimes I feel like prayer is an enemy of productivity. That’s not an easy statement to make out here in the open, but it’s nice to release doubt from the basement every once in a while. Continue Reading…


The screen capture tool has become my best friend these last few months. The internet is pure comedy gold. All you need is a willing heart, an open mind, and the ability to take pictures of your internet browser. Not too long ago, I posted a blog called, “Funny Screen Captures.” Today, you’re reading the sequel.

Buckle up.

If you’re looking at this in a moving car. Continue Reading…


We’re trying to raise $5,000 for Typhoon victims in the Philippines.

Before I tell you more, let me tell you why. Continue Reading…