Archives For Screen Capture


The screen capture tool has become my best friend these last few months. The internet is pure comedy gold. All you need is a willing heart, an open mind, and the ability to take pictures of your internet browser. Not too long ago, I posted a blog called, “Funny Screen Captures.” Today, you’re reading the sequel.

Buckle up.

If you’re looking at this in a moving car. Continue Reading…

Wade’s Wisdom: Funny Screen Captures

Wade —  September 3, 2013 —  Comments


Not too long ago, I made the big switch to an Apple computer. Apples have some great features, but the one that I’ve grown to love the most is the “Screen Capture” tool. On a Mac, if you push Command + Shift + 4, a set of crosshairs will appear. With these crosshairs, you can select an area of the screen you want to save as a picture. Continue Reading…