Archives For Grace


Brie Larson in Short Term 12

I may be a youth pastor, but sometimes I don’t know what to say when a student comes to me for help. Case in point:

A few years ago, a teenager found me after a church service and told me about his home life. His words were emotional, but not soft. I think I remember him cursing a few times during our conversation. It’s hard to blame him, if I were in his position I might be cursing too. My response to his story didn’t come easy. I wasn’t speechless, but I wasn’t confident. My words tumbled instead of slid.

Then I said something that surprised me. It surprised me because I’m not sure where it come from. Continue Reading…


I remember when I first questioned God’s existence. I was a teenager with more acne spots than combined conversations with girls. I probably shouldn’t have doubted God; I practically took my first breath in church. My family attended worship services multiple times a week and I knew the Bible from the front cover to the maps. I was even born by way of water birth in the congregational baptismal (that may not be true).

But I doubted anyway. Continue Reading…

Guest Post: I Have a Joke

Garland Owensby —  October 29, 2013 —  Comments


I have a joke.

Actually, I’ve got more than just one, but this one is incredibly embarrassing and painful to tell in its original version. The revised joke goes like this. My wife doesn’t like when I buy her flowers. She responds to the gift of flowers with, “Why spend all that money on something that’s just going to die?” I then point out that we have three dogs. Continue Reading…


I’ll be honest, as a child God scared the mess out of me. At times I pictured God with electricity in his fingertips, waiting to zap me the moment I did something wrong. He was the police officer and I was… Click here to read full article