Archives For Kirk

Sherlock - Series 2

Over the years, my wife has tried really hard to make me cool. Clothes. Hair styles. Gift cards to the Gap. It’s not that she doesn’t think I’m cool now, it’s just that I can be lazy when it comes to the latest fashion trends. After all is said and done though, I am and always will be a nerd. I don’t even care anymore. I’m married and have a child on the way, all that’s left to do now is build a replica of the Millennium Falcon in my garage.

Nerd heaven descended on the Bearden household recently with the release of Star Trek Into Darkness. Continue Reading…


Star Trek Into Darkness—a film Star Wars fans have been looking forward to for a long time. J.J. Abrams’ sequel to the critical and financial hit Star Trek, has been generating more anticipation from pseudo-Jedi Warriors than Trekkies these days. This doesn’t come as a surprise… Click to read full article