Archives For Noah


I can’t keep up with Halloween costumes anymore. It has gotten out of control. I miss the days when you could celebrate in a simple, homely ensemble—maybe even go as the Ghostbusters if you were feeling fancy and free. Now, one has to be incredibly and specifically creative or they won’t get noticed at all. Continue Reading…


Noah is a film I have looked forward to for some time. My previous blog about the movie (Noah Might Not Be Biblical, But That’s Okay) is by far my most popular article to date. Most liked it. Some disagreed. Some agreed, saw the film, and then disagreed. Continue Reading…


Russell Crowe in Noah – Paramount Pictures

Noah doesn’t hit theaters for another month, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some controversy early. Rumors over the film’s assumed extra-biblical content are circulating faster than it takes to click “Share to News Feed.” There are even a few church leaders—who have yet to see the film—calling for an outright boycott. One Christian writer has gone as far as calling the script a “waste of a hundred and fifty-million dollars.” Continue Reading…