Archives For Hugh Jackman


If I were forced to describe X-Men: Days of Future Past in one word, it would be “hope.” Hope despite the mistakes of the past. Hope for the future. Hope that change, no matter how difficult, is still possible. Hope that, surprisingly, finds a parallel message in the New Testament’s treatment of violence, retaliation, and sacrificeREAD THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE.


While summer cinema is usually judged by popcorn—not philosophical—consumption, this year’s upcoming releases look to pose a number of questions that just might get our brains turning. From issues like equality, supernaturalism, and human progress, these next few months at tinseltown have the potential to instigate a slew of conversations about faith and culture. Continue Reading…


I attended a late-night screening of Prisoners alone last week. Usually, when I leave a movie by myself after one in the morning, I expect two things. One, I look like a creep walking to my car. Two, I am fairly exhausted. After Prisoners, only one of those scenarios played out, and it wasn’t the latter. Continue Reading…


“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” – Andy Stanley


Superhero movies and mass destruction are dancing partners that no one can seem to breakup. Man of Steel, The Avengers, and X-Men: First Class are all films that cling tightly to the idea of worldwide dissolution. For a hero to be super, they must have something super to save, right? But what if that something is just a someone? A single life. A life that the world, safe and sound, doesn’t even care to notice. Is that enough to break up the waltz? I think it might be, because Wolverine just asked if he could cut in. Continue Reading…