Archives For God


Noah is a film I have looked forward to for some time. My previous blog about the movie (Noah Might Not Be Biblical, But That’s Okay) is by far my most popular article to date. Most liked it. Some disagreed. Some agreed, saw the film, and then disagreed. Continue Reading…

Why I Stop Praying

Wade —  March 7, 2014 —  Comments


Sometimes I feel like prayer is an enemy of productivity. That’s not an easy statement to make out here in the open, but it’s nice to release doubt from the basement every once in a while. Continue Reading…


Russell Crowe in Noah – Paramount Pictures

Noah doesn’t hit theaters for another month, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some controversy early. Rumors over the film’s assumed extra-biblical content are circulating faster than it takes to click “Share to News Feed.” There are even a few church leaders—who have yet to see the film—calling for an outright boycott. One Christian writer has gone as far as calling the script a “waste of a hundred and fifty-million dollars.” Continue Reading…


Robocop. Think about the title for a second. It’s greatness in a word. It’s what our world would look like if Transformers could be people too.

It’s also the name of a new hollywood reboot that surprised me in many ways. While not perfect, Robocop isn’t the train wreck I was expecting. And (bonus), it at least attempts to ask a few big questions. If Robocop were a club, you might call it Deep Thinking Over Donuts. I’m just rolling out loud here. Continue Reading…


Amanda Bynes in Easy A – Sony Pictures

Christians make great punchlines. Check out Easy A, Scandal, or The Big Bang Theory. If that’s not enough to convince you: Tim Tebow.

Followers of Jesus are not always portrayed with the whitest of lights. We’re judgmental, hypocritical, and anti-science. Did I mention we’re jerks too?

As much as Christians are inclined to believe we’re the first generation to become pop culture’s punching bag, we’re not. Criticism, taking the form of humor, is as old as the faith itself. Continue Reading…


Fasting never came easy for me. I couldn’t quite grab the concept. At twelve, I remember staring at my friend’s bubbly, swirling cup of Coca-Cola, wondering why I decided to give up soda for an entire month. At fourteen, I almost passed out during a fast. At fifteen, I was done. Pass the cookies before someone gets hurt. Continue Reading…

My Ten Most Popular Blogs of 2013

Wade —  December 31, 2013 —  Comments



It’s not you, it’s me.

2013 has seen some pretty incredible events. My son Weston was born on July 2nd. I went skydiving. My wife and I bought our first house (or, if you’re Dave Ramsey, we didn’t). I guess there were some other important events that happened in the world as well. I don’t remember. launched in May to the mild amusement of people everywhere. To celebrate my blog’s first New Years celebration, I thought it would be fitting to do a recap of my ten most popular posts. Continue Reading…

We Raised $1,000 for Typhoon Victims!

Wade —  December 10, 2013 —  Comments


Last week, we launched a project on to help the Typhoon victims in the Philippines. Well today, I am pumped to announce that because of you, we raised a total of $1,000! Continue Reading…


We’re trying to raise $5,000 for Typhoon victims in the Philippines.

Before I tell you more, let me tell you why. Continue Reading…


If I were to make a list of what I thought were the top ten barriers keeping the unchurched from considering Christianity, politics would be a frontrunner. I know what you’re thinking. “Yeah! Politics is the problem! At dawn we ride on the capitol!” Maybe I should clarify.

I would contend that certain political views and the expression of those views by Christians, have discouraged outsiders from investigating the faith. At one time or another, many Christians—including myself—have turned political ideology into the Great Wall of China. We stand at the top making individuals scale the bricks before they can ever hope to be converted. Continue Reading…