Archives For Wade Bearden


Three weeks ago my father was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia. It reminded me of one really good reason Christians should attend church.

I say “one reason” instead of “the reason,” because I don’t think it’s possible to boil church down to a single argument. But I do think this is an important point we don’t talk about as much as we should.

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Wow, my blog is officially a year old. I can’t believe how fast the last twelve months have flown by. In no time, it’ll be headed off to college, getting a job, and hopefully giving me a grandblog. But we’re in no rush! Let’s get him married first! LOL

I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed blogging this past year and I thought I’d share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Here’s 11: Continue Reading…


There’s an iconic scene at the beginning of Return of the Jedi. Luke and Han are in the clutches of Jabba the Hutt. They are on the verge of being thrown into a deadly Sarlacc pit. Sarlaccs are highly evolved organisms who digest their prey over thousands of years. Its victims are mysteriously kept alive during the entire ordeal, left to die a slow, painful death.

Group text messages are the Sarlaccs of the 21st century. No one ever intends to stumble into a group text message, but once they do, they will never be the same. Continue Reading…


Yesterday, I turned twenty-seven (in lieu of gifts, please send cake). Time has evaporated faster than I ever imagined it could. Now, I’m just a not-so-young, young adult who’s fond of nostalgia.

Taking some time this past week, I penned a list of twenty-seven things I’ve learned these first twenty-seven years of my life. I’ve always found the key to growing is first being aware. Once we are aware, we allow our ears to hear the lessons screaming all around us.

Here’s what’s screaming at me:

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Why I Stop Praying

Wade —  March 7, 2014 —  Comments


Sometimes I feel like prayer is an enemy of productivity. That’s not an easy statement to make out here in the open, but it’s nice to release doubt from the basement every once in a while. Continue Reading…


Non-Stop releases this weekend and I’m pretty sure everyone who has a heartbeat is stoked to see it.

Is it the action packed plot? Nope.

The incredible visual effects? Guess again.

What about Oscar Nominated actress Julianne Moore? I know, I know. I could be a comedian.

We’re going to slap down our hard earned cash at Tinseltown because of one person and one person only: Liam Neeson. Sure, Non-Stop won’t be the next Schindler’s List, but it does have Liam Neeson and that’s what everyone loved so much about Schindler’s List. Continue Reading…


Robocop. Think about the title for a second. It’s greatness in a word. It’s what our world would look like if Transformers could be people too.

It’s also the name of a new hollywood reboot that surprised me in many ways. While not perfect, Robocop isn’t the train wreck I was expecting. And (bonus), it at least attempts to ask a few big questions. If Robocop were a club, you might call it Deep Thinking Over Donuts. I’m just rolling out loud here. Continue Reading…


Let’s be real. Whether you’re single or in a committed relationship, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be a bit redundant on Valentine’s Day. Hop on social media and you’re bound to see at least one of three posts:

– “Look at my roses!”

– “Valentine’s Day is dumb. We don’t celebrate.”

– “I’m single. #foreveralone.”

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with either of these (maybe), but they’re a bit boring. Here are 15 social media posts we’d all rather see on February 14 (some warrant brief commentary): Continue Reading…


Amanda Bynes in Easy A – Sony Pictures

Christians make great punchlines. Check out Easy A, Scandal, or The Big Bang Theory. If that’s not enough to convince you: Tim Tebow.

Followers of Jesus are not always portrayed with the whitest of lights. We’re judgmental, hypocritical, and anti-science. Did I mention we’re jerks too?

As much as Christians are inclined to believe we’re the first generation to become pop culture’s punching bag, we’re not. Criticism, taking the form of humor, is as old as the faith itself. Continue Reading…

Wade’s Wisdom: Sleep Tweets Part 2

Wade —  February 4, 2014 —  Comments


Here we go again. “Sleep Tweets” is such a fun blog to write. If you missed PART 1, you can check it out here.

Occasionally, when I’m half awake, I’ll think of a funny tweet. If I have the strength to roll myself out of bed, I feverishly type the joke in my phone before collapsing back on my pillow. What’s great is that most of the time, I don’t remember what I saved the next day. Inevitably, they’ll be moments when I’m scrolling through my notes, or Twitter drafts, and see something that surprises me. Continue Reading…