Archives For Culture

Florida State v Pittsburgh

With the exception of their victory over OU this year, the University of Texas football team has seen better days. What’s sad is better days could’ve been today. Continue Reading…


Leanor, saxophonist for Five Iron Frenzy, talks change, the band’s maturity, and why their new album won’t end with a song of worship.


2003 wasn’t the best year for me. I was a sixteen year old brace faced, acne covered teenager who spent his days fighting off the ladies with a replica lightsaber. 2003 was also the year Five Iron Frenzy said goodbye. After a nationwide farewell tour and album, the band hung up their brass instruments for good. Eight years of music came to a close in a neatly tied bow. Five Iron Frenzy was dead. Continue Reading…


A couple of years ago, my wife and I binged-watched all five seasons of the high school football drama, Friday Night Lights. I actually think I went into remission once it was all over. You can get the shakes from television right?

During our week of reclusion, Coach Eric Taylor, the lead in FNL, quickly became one of my favorite characters on the show. It wasn’t long before I found myself taking on some of his mannerisms, which wasn’t so bad until I starting coaching my wife on how to wash dishes.

The qualities that drew me to Coach Taylor are, without a doubt, his exceptional leadership skills Continue Reading…

Mud Shows Us What’s Clean

Wade —  August 12, 2013 —  Comments

Mud 2

I don’t know if I can trust Matthew McConaughey. He’ll star in a movie like Amistad and I’m ready to join the fan club. Then Failure to Launch will come along and I’m on the verge of throwing him overboard. When I heard rave reviews about his performance in Mud, I quietly wondered if this would be the film that finally gets the romantic comedy virus out of his system. In the end, it just might. Continue Reading…


“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” – Andy Stanley


Superhero movies and mass destruction are dancing partners that no one can seem to breakup. Man of Steel, The Avengers, and X-Men: First Class are all films that cling tightly to the idea of worldwide dissolution. For a hero to be super, they must have something super to save, right? But what if that something is just a someone? A single life. A life that the world, safe and sound, doesn’t even care to notice. Is that enough to break up the waltz? I think it might be, because Wolverine just asked if he could cut in. Continue Reading…

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I don’t think comedians get the credit they deserve. I’ve done some stand-up sets over the last few years, and it’s not easy. Performing comedy can be the best feeling in the world and also the worst feeling in the world. It’s just you, a microphone (hopefully), and a group of people who are waiting for someone to make them laugh. Honestly, I think that comedians are some of the greatest public speakers out there.

That’s why, years ago, I started observing stand-up performances to see what they could teach me about communication. Continue Reading…

Arrested Development

Remember when Arrested Development debuted a fourth season on Netflix? You can probably recall the week or two leading up to it where countless bloggers and entertainment news sites heralded the triumphant return of the cult phenomenon. Maybe you forgot all about that. After all, that happened, like, a year ago, right? Wrong. That was barely a month ago. It’s really odd for someone like me, an obsessively dedicated fan, to forget all about it. Continue Reading…

Sherlock - Series 2

If you want to grow, you need to read. You’ll always be “too busy,” so stop making up excuses and use this summer to dig into a few good books. Here are ten that I’ve read in the last year that I think you’ll enjoy. Some are brand new, some are decades old. There’s fiction, theology, and even some comedy. The list is numbered for organization, not rank. Look through these ten, find one that jumps out at you and READ. Continue Reading…

Sherlock - Series 2

One of my favorite shows on television is BBC’s Sherlock. At the onset, Sherlock’s premise doesn’t seem all too revolutionary—the modern day retelling of Authur Conan Doyle’s beloved character—yet the execution of that premise is impeccable.

What makes the show so interesting to watch is Sherlock’s (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) keen sense of observation. No detail gets past him. In the episode The Great Game, Holmes speaks about the innate power of observation:

Officer: But what has this got to do with that painting. I don’t see wh—

Sherlock: You do see, you just don’t observe.

Thinking about observation sparked an idea in my mind. How would Sherlock Holmes read the Bible? What would he observe about the text? How many preachers would receive a pithy insult after he sat through one of their sermons?

Often, when it comes to the Bible, we see, we just “don’t observe.” But what if we read the Bible like Sherlock would? I think we’d find ourselves following five very important principles. Continue Reading…

Details on my new book

Wade —  December 31, 2012 —  Comments

ImageEarlier this year, I sat reading a very good book. At that moment a thought crossed my mind, “It would look really great if I could put ‘author’ down on my resume.” There was one problem though, writing a book is hard work. It takes months, if not years to pen a quality narrative that others would be willing to read. Not to mention the countless hours of revisions and proof-reading. I honestly don’t have time for that. So I began to think about the easiest way I could achieve my dream, while still being as lazy as possible.

Then it hit me. I could collect some of my tweets and then just self-publish them as an ebook. It was through this epiphany that I present to you, “The Comes a Point in Being Dumb, That Only a Genius Could Do It.” This book is a collection of some of the brightest and dumbest tweets from my Twitter handle @WadeHance. They will make you laugh. They will make you cry…because you laughed so hard.

You can purchase this ebook on as a Kindle book file. Even if you don’t have a Kindle device, don’t fret! You can still read the book. Most smartphones and tablets (including the iPad and iPhone) can download the Kindle app which will allow you to read the ebooks you download from You can even read a Kindle book from your computer if you do not have a smartphone or tablet. No excuses people.

I would love for you all to check out my book. Just think of all the things you could use it for! Read it when you can’t sleep for instant relief. Use my jokes at office parties to make new friends. Sound smart by telling others that you’ve read a book in one day. The list is endless people.

But wait there’s more! For a limited time only, my book is FREE! Yes, absolutely FREE (that’s $0.99 worth of savings)! This deal won’t last long (3 days to be exact) so make sure to download it now. You can download the book here.

If you enjoy the book, make sure to share the news with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. I’ll be using the hashtag #dumbbook. Also, make sure to rate the book on

Thanks so much everyone and I hope you enjoy the book!

– Wade