Archives For Life


There’s been a resurgence simmering in our world. A call echoing throughout society to males everywhere. This cry comes in the form of a challenge: Single men must learn to stand up and start acting like future husbands. Our modern period, unlike any other, has seen an increase in prolonged male adolescence. Instead of stepping up to the plate and learning what it means to be a mature husband, countless men spend Continue Reading…

Wade’s Wisdom: Sleep Tweets

Wade —  August 7, 2013 —  Comments


I don’t have the best memory, so I’ve trained myself to immediately make a note of anything funny or creative that I come up with over the course of the day. If I don’t, then it will be gone forever. Periodically at night, I’ll wake up with a joke that I believe is tweet worthy. I’ll grab my phone and quickly type it in before falling back to sleep. The funny thing is, I usually don’t remember what I’ve typed. There are instances when I’m scrolling through the notes on my phone and see something that I didn’t even realize came from me. Some of these jokes are completely ridiculous and I never know what I’m going to find. I’m just glad I don’t think enough to tweet them.

Not too long ago, I started saving these unused tweets because I got a kick out of what some of them said. Here are 11 of my greatest “sleep tweets.” I didn’t make any of these up. I mean I did, but while I was sleeping. Continue Reading…

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I don’t think comedians get the credit they deserve. I’ve done some stand-up sets over the last few years, and it’s not easy. Performing comedy can be the best feeling in the world and also the worst feeling in the world. It’s just you, a microphone (hopefully), and a group of people who are waiting for someone to make them laugh. Honestly, I think that comedians are some of the greatest public speakers out there.

That’s why, years ago, I started observing stand-up performances to see what they could teach me about communication. Continue Reading…


As many of you know, my wife and I had our first child about three weeks ago. Before she gave birth, I joked a great deal about Priscilla being pregnant. In all honesty, she was awesome about my humor. There was one rule though. No wise cracks in the delivery room, specifically when she was either pushing or experiencing contractions. Continue Reading…

Weston Baby 2

First, let me start out by saying that the baby is doing extremely well. He’s only needed to be changed a couple of times and he really enjoys eating. He even slept through the night! Okay, now that I’m done talking about myself, let me tell you about my wife and the new baby in our family. Continue Reading…


On a recent car ride to my neighbor’s house, I heard Taylor Swift’s “22” playing over the radio. When, almost immediately, it happened. Taylor’s lyrics hit me like a sledgehammer. It was then that I suddenly “got it.” I didn’t just hear what Taylor was saying, I listened to what she was whispering from her heart.

Because of this personal epiphany, I’ve decided to walk my readers through the lyrics of “22.” Hopefully, this journey will change you, like it has changed me. Continue Reading…


As any woman who’s been pregnant knows, having a baby is tough. Ladies, you’ve seen firsthand just how hard a pregnancy can be on your family. Late night food runs for the perfect burger. Stretch marks. Complete strangers in the supermarket who love to rub bulging bellies like they’re Aladdin’s lamp. And that’s only mentioning what happens to your husband during these difficult nine months.

Since my wife is pregnant with our first child, I feel like it would only be right of me to inform other men of just how hard it is to be an expecting father. Continue Reading…