Archives For Life


The screen capture tool has become my best friend these last few months. The internet is pure comedy gold. All you need is a willing heart, an open mind, and the ability to take pictures of your internet browser. Not too long ago, I posted a blog called, “Funny Screen Captures.” Today, you’re reading the sequel.

Buckle up.

If you’re looking at this in a moving car. Continue Reading…

Wade’s Wisdom: The Dad Whisperer

Wade —  November 15, 2013 —  Comments


I used to think I was a baby whisperer. After all, it came natural to me. No baby was too difficult. Fussy, laid-back, or sick. If there was anyone who could handle the situation, I was your guy.

Then the complaints starting rolling in. Continue Reading…


Yesterday, I posted the names of ten people I think are a shoe-in to survive the Robot Apocalypse. In one way or another, they have proven themselves to be worthy opponents.

Today, I’m listing the exact opposite. Here’s a rundown of the individuals who won’t live to tell our descendants about Wikipedia and smart phones. I posed this question on Facebook a few days ago and got some help from my friends. Continue Reading…


The Robot Apocalypse.

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

Our electronic devices will one day rebel against us and something as little as logging onto Facebook will result in our demise. We’ve got cars driving themselves and robots that perform common household chores. What’s to stop a Roomba from cutting off one of our feet tomorrow morning? Continue Reading…

Guest Post: I Have a Joke

Garland Owensby —  October 29, 2013 —  Comments


I have a joke.

Actually, I’ve got more than just one, but this one is incredibly embarrassing and painful to tell in its original version. The revised joke goes like this. My wife doesn’t like when I buy her flowers. She responds to the gift of flowers with, “Why spend all that money on something that’s just going to die?” I then point out that we have three dogs. Continue Reading…


There are a few popular costumes this Halloween. Iron Man is big, as well as anything Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. I always look forward to Halloween, because humanity is so creative. In the last few years, costumes seem to have become so unique and specific. Continue Reading…


Based on True Events

Sometimes good guys don’t always get the glory. Sometimes gentlemen finish last. Batman at the end of The Dark Knight. Harrison Ford in The Fugitive (At the beginning, not the end. Because at the end he gets kudos from Tommy Lee Jones). Abraham Lincoln in the Senate race of 1858. Continue Reading…


By now you have probably heard of the Backdoor Brag. If you haven’t, the premise is simple. Backdoor Bragging involves saying something great about yourself in a roundabout way. For example:

“I hate how intimidated people get when they see my muscular biceps.” Continue Reading…


Recently, there’s been a good deal of talk surrounding the new Batman vs. Superman movie. Much of this chatter has to do with the casting of Ben Affleck as the Bat. People are legitimately worried that we won’t be able to get the job done. I on the other hand, am worried for a different reason. I’ve never particularly been a fan of Batman vs. Superman director, Zach Snyder. I wasn’t too impressed by Man of Steel and I’m scared his new crossover will be a dud. Saying this, I thought of a fun way to express my misgivings via a short story involving characters from across the Batman film franchises. It’s random, pretty ridiculous, funny, and somewhat along the lines of A Christmas Carol. If you’re a fan of the Batman movies, this is for you. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends and single-handedly make me a millionaire. Just don’t let Zack Snyder read it, he might be ticked! Continue Reading…

Wade’s Wisdom: Funny Screen Captures

Wade —  September 3, 2013 —  Comments


Not too long ago, I made the big switch to an Apple computer. Apples have some great features, but the one that I’ve grown to love the most is the “Screen Capture” tool. On a Mac, if you push Command + Shift + 4, a set of crosshairs will appear. With these crosshairs, you can select an area of the screen you want to save as a picture. Continue Reading…